Philodendron bob cee

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Philodendron bob cee

Philodendron bob cee is a tropical plant native to South America, specifically from Brazil and Peru. This plant belongs to the Araceae family and is a popular houseplant due to its striking foliage and ease of care.

The plant has large, glossy, green leaves that are heart-shaped with wavy edges. The leaves can grow up to 10 inches in length and 8 inches in width. The plant does not usually produce flowers when grown indoors, but when it does, they are small and white, usually hidden beneath the leaves.

The plant has a trailing habit and can be grown in a hanging basket or trained to climb a support. It is a great plant for adding a tropical touch to your decor. Overall, Philodendron bob cee is a great choice for beginner plant parents or those looking for a low-maintenance, yet beautiful plant for their home.

Plant Care

💦 Water: Water when top inch of soil is dry.

☀️ Light: Bright, Indirect Light. We recommend LED Full Spectrum Plant Light Strips, 2 foot

🪴 Potting: Prefers well-draining potting soil with plenty of organic matter and including perlite or sand. We recommend our Potted Elephant Indoor potting mix (50/50 peat moss & pumice)

🌿 Habit: Vining - Climbing, trailing